*I'm a little behind, so please bear with me. This week has been a rather rough one, since O is in the midst of another growth spurt. So my time is rather preoccupied, to say the least. I'm doing my best to catch up whenever I can!
Some people say that you can love your child "too much."
Too much? Is there even such a thing? I don't believe it.
I love my child as much as the next mother, a lot. But under no circumstances would I say I could ever love her too much.
I love O from the moon and back, from sun up to sun down, from East to West, etc, etc. But it's true. And I don't think that any of that is "too much."
I believe that a person can love a material, a thing, "too much".. but never a child. A child deserves all the love in the entire world, and that still wouldn't be enough.
When that someone (and that someone shall remain anonymous) told me that, that whole "too much" bologna... I was in awe. What do you say to that? "Yeah, you're right?" ...Now anyone that knows me, knows that I'm honest. Really honest. Sometimes to the point where it gets me into trouble. I can't help it, I'm a horrible liar.
So what do I do? The only thing I know how to do. Be honest.
"You're clearly not a mother." That's all I had to say, because it was true.
If you're not a mother, or a parent, you just.don't.understand. And that's all there is to it. Because once you become a parent, you do love your kid "too much". You can't help it- it comes naturally.
So when/if someone says that you love your child "too much", be proud of that. Be proud of the fact that people see just how much you love your children, even if they label it as "too much". That means that you're a mom, and a damn good one at that.

xo, Jess.
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