Three months old... Why do those three little words create so many emotions in me?
Another month of,
Growing.. becoming less infant-like.
Smiling, giggling and chatting up a storm.
Yelling, just because she now knows she can.
Dirty diapers, spit up and drool.
Teething. Yes, teething. Crazy, right?
Blowing raspberries every 5 seconds ever since I taught her how.
Pictures. Lots and lots of pictures.
Sucking on her fist, fingers, and anything else she can get her tiny hands on.
Walking! With our help, of course, but still.. Walking!
Tears... from me. Knowing that time won't stop for anything, not even my big, sappy tears.
Love. Heart filling, undying and unconditional love.
To my little Stinker,
Anyway, I can't get over how incredible you are. Truly. You amaze me in so many ways. I mean, come on, you're already walking?! Where is my little baby going, because she's vanishing right before my eyes. Also, your little bottom teeth are starting to come in now. I love that you're progressing so quickly, but at the same time, I'm pretty upset. Not because I don't want you to flourish, but because you're growing at such a fast pace. Even your own pediatrician was surprised at how fast you've been progressing, which must be saying something! But please, if you can, slow it down just a tiny bit? I want to cherish every moment I have with you at this itty bitty baby stage, even though they are quite fleeting.
You give me 10 hours of sleep, minimum, a night. If that's not crazy, I don't know what is. Since day 1 you've been the best sleeper, which I am extremely, extremely, thankful for. Especially since after those 10 hours of sleep, you wake up for about an hour, two tops, and go right back down for another long nap. It's great, really. I am truly blessed that you're such an easy baby.
You're still exclusively breast fed, and you latch on like a champ. I'm glad we got the whole breast feeding thing down pat the day you were born, because that was one less thing I had to worry about. (I hope whenever we give you a sibling, or two, that they're as easy as you are! Seriously, you're the best.)
You've starting chatting, a lot... Okay, pretty much constantly. But I love it, and so does your dad. He gets the biggest kick out of your yells, especially the faces you make. Oh, another thing he gets a kick out of? Your toots! (See why I call you "stink", now?) You have the loudest toots for such a tiny little girl. Every time you do it, your dad cracks up laughing. Most likely because he knows that you take after him in that department, which I'm sure you'll come to find out once you get a bit older.
You are always so full of smiles and giggles, especially when I blow raspberries on your neck (rolls). Yes, you have rolls. But they're cute, I promise you. You also love to blow raspberries now too. You and I always go back and forth with that, and you love it.
You're very much a mama's girl, which I love, of course. Not a second goes by in a day where your eyes aren't locked onto me, wherever I am. And if I'm not in your view... well, let's just say that you get a little crabby. Okay, not just a little. You pretty much have a full blown conniption fit. But it's okay, I take it as a compliment.
You and I have a very, very special bond. At times, I feel like we even have conversations, without saying a word. You make me smile and laugh about a 1,000 times a day. And even now as I write this, you bring a tear to my eye. All because I love you so much, and I can't picture my life without you. You're my everything; the very beat in my heart. You gave my life meaning the second I held you in my arms.
You're my daughter, yes, but you're also my best friend. And it will be that way, forever.
You are my heart, little one. I love you.
xo, Jess.