(Sidenote: Olive is really 1 1/2 months right now, but, I figured I'd catch up and try to remember how she was at 1 month. Since, y'know, they grow/change so dang fast!)
Hair and Eyes: Her hair...Well, it's barely there. But the little that is there is definitely blonde. Like, blonde to the point that you can barely see it, blonde. And her eyes.. Man, are they BLUE! She definitely has my eyes, and I have a feeling that it's going to stay that way.
Weight: I'm not too sure about her weight this month, since she doesn't have a doctors appt again until 2 months, 10/15/12 to be exact. But at her 2 week appt she had gained almost a whole pound, making her 8lbs12oz. Which I'm pretty proud of, if you ask me!
Height: Now, just so you know, this little gal is a darn bean stock! She was born 21 inches long, and already at her 2 week appt she had grown 2 inches, making her 23 inches long. Can I just say, holy cow?! This not so peanut sized peanut is taking after her father, clearly.
Diapers: In a size 1 already. And boy, does she go through them! She blows out her diaper in the morning, every single morning. And trust me, it's not because I don't change her enough, I swear. I'll change this girl and literally 2 seconds later it will be up her entire back or front. She is quite a violent pooper, so it makes sense. Her poop faces are the funniest things on this Earth too.... Is it weird that I find entertainment from watching my child poop? If so, oh well, 'cause I just can't help myself.
Eating: Only breastfeeding still, since she is not a fan of the bottle. Heck, she doesn't even like her pacifier. She makes such disgusted faces whenever I try and give it to her, but once in a bloody blue moon I'll actually get her to accept it. But like I said, it is rare. She'd rather suck on her chubby little fist any day.
Breastfeeding with her has been the easiest thing, honestly. She latches on with ease, in any position. She really is such a great and easy baby.
Sleeping: She is such a great sleeper, and has been since birth. Thank God. This is one thing that I thank God for, daily. The first night we brought her home, she gave me 5 hours of straight sleep. I didn't think it'd last for very long, but, surprise! She gets to bed around 9pm and only wakes up once, at 4:30am, to be changed/fed and then goes right back to sleep until 9am. Then she wakes up to be change/fed again, and sleeps some more until about 11 or so. We are still co-sleeping though, despite practically everyone telling me not to do it. I honestly don't care what anyone else's opinions on the matter are though- She is a great co-sleeper, and neither of us move an inch when we're asleep. Plus, feeding her is a breeze while co-sleeping.
Milestones: Since birth she was able to lift her head up, easily. But now I feel like I have a dang 1 year old! She is already holding onto my two pointer fingers and pushing herself up to stand. That and she can almost sit up by herself. And holding her head up? No problem. I can already tell that she is going to be an early walker, because let me tell you, she's determined! She, no word of a lie, will push herself up with just my two fingers for hours. And the entire time she has a big ol' grin on her face while grunting like a little piglet. It really is the cutest thing, ever.
She makes lots of noises, even has started giggling more. It's a hoot to hear the different noises she makes. I basically know what she's saying with every little grunt or happy yell, and it cracks me up. Especially when she's frustrated, that one... Bahaha, makes my day. Even though I'm sure she doesn't find it quite funny, at all. Poor thing.
Whenever she wakes up, she is all smiles and giggles. Especially when Daddy is home. Boy does she love her Daddy-o! I love watching them together, it's makes my heart explode into a million little pieces.
My phone is by far her favorite thing. Whenever I am taking pictures of her, her eyes are locked on to the target. She's even started smiling whenever I have my phone in front of her. She's gonna be quite the photogenic little girl, I can already tell.
Standing up and bouncing, or just walking around, is her favorite thing to do. Again, especially with Daddy. She knows that when he holds her, he'll sing to her or dance around the room with her. Mommy is one big ol' bore though and only sits down to bounce her. But that's because Mommy is worn out and out of coffee by the time Daddy gets home from work, haha.
Note to Olive: You are seriously the easiest baby and I am extremely blessed for that. You are rarely ever fussy and even when you are, it never lasts long. Mommy and Daddy love you, so much. You are our pride and joy and we honestly couldn't picture life without you. Can't wait to watch you grow into the magnificent woman that you're meant to be. Love, Mom and Dad. xo.
xo Jess.
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