Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Being broke and pregnant

I think it's about time for me to finally try and organize my life, with a budget and all. I've never been able to successfully do it before, but this time I don't exactly have a choice. Vaughn and I are pretty much, we ARE broke. Which is going to make life extremely difficult once Olive joins us in about 4-6 weeks.

Things have been working out for us lately, well...sort of. Him and I pretty much live paycheck to paycheck, which doesn't exactly go under the category of "working out" for us. But we manage to pay our bills, stay out of debt (sort of), and have food in our tummies (thanks to my EBT card and WIC vouchers!).

This pregnancy has definitely not been the easiest thing for us. To be completely honest, it's been the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with in my life so far. Being broke and pregnant is not a good combination, at all. But all I can do is have faith that everything will work out in the end.

Vaughn has been rather terrified for when Olive does come into the world, money wise. He barely gets about 30 hours a week, which isn't much at all. Especially when he only makes 9 dollars an hour. He's worried we won't be able to stay afloat on just his income, but I'm trying to stay in high spirits. Yes, things are not the greatest right now, but we'll make them work...somehow, because we don't have a choice.

I pray, every single day, hoping that everything will fall into place once she's born. That something will happen and we won't have to worry about money issues. I wish God had waited til we were better prepared before he blessed us with Olive, but hey, God only gives you a cross the size he knows you can bear, right? So maybe this is just God's way of showing us that we are strong, and we can do anything, no matter how impossible it may seem at the time.

At least...I hope that's the case. I refuse to let my little family suffer. They're my life, and I'll do anything it takes to keep us afloat. And that's a promise.
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  1. I feel for you honey. I was twenty when I found I was pregnant with my first. I was shocked and broke. Now I have three kids and am married, living in a beautiful home and not so broke.

    I atually get to be a stay at home mom, and we survive money wise. It'll work out. Life has a way of working out! Trust me :-)

    1. Thank you, so much, for this comment. It puts my heart at ease to hear about someone that has gone through the same thing and came out on top. Definitely helps to keep my positive outlook as well.
      I know it'll all work out eventually, it's just rather scary not knowing when! I just try and take everything one day at a time and not let my "what ifs" get the best of me. :-)
